Archives for category: Uncategorized

Carly and Vicky did a drive-by in the office. look.

Cannes edition Number two, here’s Sara with an XM202 Light Machine Gun

Amazing work from Lucy here as she runs through an extraordinary selection of gunsounds, complete with actions and descriptions. A joyous pair of fingers raised to those who dared to suggest that girls can’t make gun sounds. In your faces.

All the way from sunny Istanbul, Hannah does an M203 grenade launcher.

We’re finally on Twitter.
More awesome girls making gun sounds coming up very soon. Follow us and we’ll keep you posted

Spread the word using #GMGS. Let’s get that trending!

Follow girlsgunsounds on Twitter

Girls making gun sounds, now with shorter intro. For the classic versions see below.


Ok, we hear what you’re saying. Look forward to more girls and slightly less intro in upcoming posts.


After much debate we’re puting it up for a vote: